1. 卖家填写基本信息表格,然后发给我 zhi.wang#unicornsoft.cn(把#换成@),表格点击此下载,注意不要打印表格,直接在word里面填写。
2. 我整理信息,发送卖家信息给律师,同时抄送卖家。
3. 律师转发邮件给GBC。
4. 等待GBC的处理,GBC会回邮件,里面附上订单截图,证明卖家侵权,同时让卖家回答如下问题:
To consider settlement, our client requires the following information:
- The name of the individual and/or company that owns and operates the Internet Store, and the address of that individual and/or company,
- A complete accounting of sales, including corroborating documentation supporting your representation of the number of units sold and the total revenue generated,
- Supplier information, and
- Documents evidencing clearance procedures implemented by your client prior to listing products for sale, including procedures for verifying that products are authorized.
第一个问题:ebay id的所有者的姓名或者公司名,还有地址
第二个问题:侵权产品销售历史记录,可以是一个订单截图,也可以简单回答I sold 2
The name of the individual and/or company that owns and operates the Internet Store, and the address of that individual and/or company,
Cheng Zhang
Rm1008, No 21, 210Lan, Nanhai District, Foshan, Guangdong, China
A complete accounting of sales, including corroborating documentation supporting your representation of the number of units sold and the total revenue generated,
I sold 1 for 17.1 USD
Supplier information, and
Documents evidencing clearance procedures implemented by your client prior to listing products for sale, including procedures for verifying that products are authorized.
I was selling unbranded product, and depend on Alibaba, since Alibaba doesn’t allow to sell fake product, I know selling fake is illegal and tried to avoid.
5. GBC会发一个offer,比如你里面的余额是10000usd,他要扣5000usd,让你接受或者拒绝。
6. 如果卖家拒绝,到此为止。如果卖家接受,打印和解书最后一页,按如下签字,用手机拍照或者扫描,作为附件回复邮件。
7. 律师回传签字的和解书给GBC,正常2-5天内GBC会要求Paypal解冻卖家账号。
8. Paypal撤诉后,Paypal会发信给你说你的账号恢复了,但是Paypal会做一个二次审核,对于一些比较小或者侵权比较严重的卖家(尺度很主观,完全看Paypal安全组的人怎么看),Paypal会永久冻结账号。