亚马逊品牌备案Brand Registry






  • 品牌网站还没做好就仓促提交审核,例如产品链接点击没有反应。
  • 品牌网站没有购物车功能。
  • 品牌网站的关于我们页面 找不到和亚马逊账号一致的邮箱、电话。
  • 品牌网站的产品上没有品牌logo,无法确认网站产品就是品牌产品。
  • 品牌备案申请过多类目,而品牌网站并未列出申请的所有类目产品。


  • 品牌网站
  • 产品包装图(品牌Logo在外包装可见)
  • 产品图(品牌logo在产品上可见)
  • 联系人、邮箱、电话、公司介绍、备案品牌、亚马逊类目、类目关键属性

美国亚马逊品牌备案Brand Registry网址:(欧洲请登录相应网址!!)

第一步 打开申请入口填写资料(美国)

第二步 提交:等待亚马逊的审核结果。

== 亚马逊品牌备案失败的常见原因 ==


The website provided cannot be accepted as a valid website. In order to get Brand registered with Amazon, you will have to provide us a fully functional and independent website.


The images you have provided do not clearly show professional branding on your product. Please provide us images that show the professional branding on your product clearly.


The images you have provided do not clearly show professional branding on your product package. Please provide us images that clearly show the professional branding on your product package clearly.


We either are unable to verify your products of this brand or are unable to determine if you are the brand owner or manufacturer based on the URL you provided. Please provide a valid company URL and more information about your business so we can verify that you are the manufacturer or brand owner.

We either are unable to verify your website or are unable to determine if you are the brand owner or manufacturer based on the URL information you provided. It should be through phone number or email address found connection  between the brand website and the seller account.


When we process brand registry application. The website you provide must match the category you choose. Since you have applied multi category for brand xxx, the website you provide must be display these category products you required.

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